
Wednesday 5 March 2014



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My favourite song....korean music.

My second movie... i want to share picture of my family...

My first movie edited by me... just a simple movie with my picture....

Sunday 2 March 2014

Art in black and white

hello.... this art a bit different than other art because this art only in colour black and let see it......

Different art in all place

hi.... i would like to share art that involve place that give a good scenary to people who like art......

Saturday 1 March 2014

Decorative Art

Hi there.... this time i like to share art picture that related to decorative art.....

Art Botanical

hello there.... this time i prefer to post picture about art botanical....

Thursday 27 February 2014

Art wallpaper poster

Hello!!!.... this time i would like to post about the beautiful art wallpaper posters that really unique and have full of meaning when we see that art picture.....

Wednesday 26 February 2014

picture of artwork wallpaper

Hello!!! this time i would like to share some picture in artwork wallpaper...